Established in the year 2019, Narayana e-Techno Schools in Ludhiana provides best-in-class educational facilities for students between Pre-primary and Class XII. Here, we have appointed experienced and student-friendly teachers to guide children in their academic journey and make them excel in their careers.
Moreover, we follow a well-formulated personalised microschedule which is prepared at the start of an academic year as per the latest CBSE syllabus and global standards. For many years, we have maintained an excellent track record of preparing toppers to qualify for various state-level and national competitive exams like IIT JEE, NEET, Olympiads, and more.
At Narayana Group of Schools in Ludhiana, we have committed ourselves to bestowing state-of-the-art infrastructural facilities where our students feel safe and remain engaged in their studies. Furthermore, there are spacious and air-conditioned classrooms, innovative digital classrooms, ship-shaped libraries, and state-of-the-art labs with advanced instruments.
Additionally, we arrange extracurricular facilities where your children can take part to showcase their talents. These include sports, singing, dancing, yoga, karate, painting, drama, etc. At Narayana School in Ludhiana, our entire school and its surrounding campus come under Close Circuit Television (CCTV) camera surveillance. This helps us to monitor the activities of our students to ensure their safety.
Apart from this, we are very cautious about the cleanliness and hygiene of our educational institution. Also, to make sure that your kid reaches school on time and gets back home safely, we provide transportation services via school buses. Being one of the best schools in Ludhiana, we also focus on the health and well-being of our ambitious students. Hence, we organise periodic health check-ups.
Furthermore, we have a sick room on our school campus where we provide instant medication if any student falls sick or gets injured. At Narayana e-Techno School in Ludhiana, we arrange counselling sessions where students can share their physiological problems with the counsellors.