Clubs| Narayana School Alpha City


Unleash Your Passions: Connect with Our Vibrant School Clubs
Where Interests Flourish: Dive into Our Diverse Club Offerings


The best method to learn, in our view as a top CBSE school in Alpha City, is via hands-on experience. We established a Science Club so that children might do enjoyable experiments. We conduct easy experiments in biology, physics, and chemistry to aid students in understanding complex concepts.


To educate students about and foster an appreciation for the environment, the Narayana Group of Schools Alpha City established the Nature Club. To get kids to care about the environment, the group organises activities, including tree-planting campaigns and educational programs.


The Drama Club teaches participants a lot about rapid thinking and coming up with ideas promptly. Students' verbal and nonverbal communication skills can be greatly enhanced via acting. Additionally, it helps kids develop crucial skills that will be useful in the future, such as public speaking among others.


We instruct students in the fundamentals of computer programming in this group. Their success can be substantially aided by having this essential talent in the technology-driven culture of today. This endeavour not only increases people's interest in the topic, but it also motivates them to apply their expertise to other areas of research.


The goal of the Performing Arts Club is for students to feel free to express themselves and identify their unique talents. Children are encouraged to express through their bodies, mind, soul, and emotions via performing arts. Students who participate in these activities feel more at ease and less worried.

You may engage in the following activities at Artistree:

  • Dancing
  • Vocal music
  • Instruments such as the guitar, violin, drums, flute, synthesiser, mouth organ, and tablas.


The Eco Club's mission is to inform students about environmental issues and emphasise the value of protecting the environment. Students may learn about the environment and act by joining the eco-club.

You can participate in this club's variety of environmental protection activities, including:

  • Recycling 
  • Science Club 
  • Nature Club


To better prepare students for the future of computer science, we started the Tech Club. Students who join this group will learn about the most recent technological advancements and be inspired to engage in this field.

Students can learn about the following topics in Tech Club:

  • Robotics 
  • Learning web tools
  • Gaming


Through art and craft programmes, students' imaginations and creativity are sparked. They help children acquire skills they need to succeed in the real world while providing them with a much-needed vacation from the demands of school.

Through this club, students can participate in the following activities:

  • Art
  • Pottery
  • Craft


Early interpersonal and psychological development is essential for happiness and success in life. These skills support effective communication, problem-solving, critical thinking, and creation of long-lasting connections.

At Guide Club, you may take part in the following activities:

●        Adventure

●        Social Service

●        Signalling

●        First Aid

●        Ropework


We want to establish the Interact Club at Narayana Alpha City to provide kids the skills they need to succeed in school, job, and in life.

Activities of this club include the following:

●        Public Speaking

●        Debate

●        Extempore

●        Elocution