Narayana Schools Celebrated 78th Independence Day 2024 with Pride


Narayana Schools celebrated Independence Day 2024 with great pride, marking the 78th anniversary of India’s independence. This year’s celebration paid tribute to the sacrifices of the past and reflected on how education has been central to India’s transformation from a colonised nation to a global powerhouse.


The Independence Day celebration began with the hoisting of the national flag, followed by the national anthem and cultural performances that honoured India’s rich heritage. The highlight of the event was a discussion among students about the deep connection between independence and education.

During the event, Narayana students engaged in a meaningful discussion about the struggles of the pre-independence era, reflecting on the hardships faced by their ancestors. A 6th-grade student remarked on how the British stripped Indians of their rights, forcing them to live under unjust conditions. An 8th grader added that widespread poverty under British rule made it difficult for Indians to access basic needs like food and shelter, leaving education and healthcare as distant priorities. Another student highlighted the inequality in education, noting that while privileged individuals received better schooling, ordinary Indians had to fight for improved access through movements like Civil Disobedience and Quit India.

The discussion also highlighted India’s progress since gaining independence, with students recognising education as a key driver of development. One student noted that India has evolved into the world’s largest democracy and a rapidly growing country, largely due to advancements in education. The significance of the Right to Education, which provided free and compulsory education for children aged 6 to 14, was emphasised by a 5th-grade student. Reflecting on the nation’s achievements, another student pointed out the increase in literacy rates from 12% in 1947 to nearly 80% today, as well as the global influence of institutions like IITs, IIMs, and AIIMS in shaping the future. Looking ahead to 2047, students envisioned a developed India with a more hybrid and technologically advanced educational system.

Ms. P. Sharani, Director, Narayana Educational Institutions mentioned, “Independence Day is not just a day of celebration; it is a powerful reminder of the sacrifices made by our ancestors and the responsibilities we hold as the future of this great nation. At Narayana, we strive to instil in our students the values of freedom, resilience, and excellence, ensuring that they grow into leaders who will continue to uphold and advance the ideals of our nation.”

The overall celebration of Independence Day 2024 at Narayana Schools truly captured the significance of this historic day, not just as a remembrance of past sacrifices, but as a reflection of its ongoing importance in shaping the lives of every Indian. The event was a vibrant blend of patriotism, culture, and thoughtful discourse, highlighting how deeply Independence Day resonates across generations. Through flag-hoisting, cultural performances, and student discussions, the celebration emphasised the profound impact of independence on our nation’s growth and development. It also provided a platform for the future generation to express their thoughts and aspirations, demonstrating how the ideals of freedom continue to inspire and guide them. The event served as a powerful reminder that the legacy of independence is not just about looking back but also about envisioning and working towards a brighter future, with education at its core. At Narayana, we are committed to continuing our pursuit of excellence in education and beyond because, at Narayana, Your Dreams are Our Dreams.

Narayana Schools Celebrated 78th Independence Day 2024 with Pride

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