Guidecast by Narayana: How Digital Addiction and Dependency is Impacting Your Child’s Life

How Digital Addiction and Dependency is Impacting Your Child's Life

Guidecast by Narayana: How Digital Addiction and Dependency is Impacting Your Child’s Life

Narayana Educational Institutions recently released the fourth episode of their podcast series, Guidecast by Narayana, titled “Digital Dependency and Addiction.” This episode delved into the growing influence of digital dependency on children’s development, focusing on the complex nature of digital addiction and its impact on mental and emotional well-being.

According to a 2022 survey, 27% of children aged 9-13 had access to smartphones, spending an average of 3.4 hours online daily. Approximately 87% of children aged 12-15 and 80% of those aged 6-11 regularly used smartphones. These figures highlighted the increasing presence of technology in children’s lives.

When used wisely, digital tools offer significant advantages, such as access to information, networking, and educational resources. However, the episode also explored how excessive use could lead to addiction, affecting children’s social interactions, attention span, and emotional intelligence. Overexposure to gadgets was said to shrink brain areas responsible for cognitive functions, potentially leading to poor decision-making and heightened anxiety. One example shared in the episode illustrated a child so addicted to devices that it caused anxiety and disrupted sleep.

The first season of Guidecast focused on mental well-being, with the inaugural episode addressing anxiety and offering guidance to help students navigate the challenges they face. The fourth episode continued this mission by examining the impact of digital dependency. The episode recommended that parents set screen time limits, monitor usage, and engage children in physical activities to prevent overuse. It emphasised the importance of balancing digital and physical experiences and encouraged parents to maintain open communication with their children.

The fourth episode of the podcast is available on YouTube: Guidecast Episode 4.

Disha: Narayana’s Mental Well-Being Programme

To address such challenges, Narayana Educational Institutions launched the Disha Programme in 2017. Led by Ms. Vijaylakshmi K, an experienced psychologist, the programme focuses on mental wellness, offering emotional support to students. The Disha team reaches 283 schools and 279 colleges, conducting over 3,500 group sessions annually and supporting more than 300,000 students.

Dr. P. Sindhura, Director at Narayana Educational Institutions, remarked, “Guidecast exemplifies our commitment to supporting both the academic and emotional growth of our students. Our goal with this episode is to equip parents with the knowledge and guidance so that students can thrive in this digital age.”

Ms. P. Sharani, Director at Narayana Educational Institutions, added, “At Narayana, we believe in equipping students with the tools to face real-world challenges. Guidecast by Narayana offers insights that empower parents and students to navigate these issues thoughtfully.”

Narayana’s Guidecast aims to provide valuable advice and inspiring stories to help parents foster their children’s well-being. The upcoming episodes are set to cover topics such as focus, academic pressure, and resilience-building.

Narayana Educational Institutions has long been a beacon of excellence, dedicated to guiding students towards reaching their full potential. With the launch of Guidecast, Narayana reinforces its commitment to the overall development of its students, helping them overcome challenges and achieve their dreams—because at Narayana, Your Dreams Are Our Dreams.

Guidecast by Narayana: How Digital Addiction and Dependency is Impacting Your Child’s Life

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