Best CBSE Schools in India | Narayana Group of Schools


Where Passion and Performance Collide: Our Sports Facilities
Where Champions Are Nurtured: Narayana, a haven for sport stars
Beyond the Game: Sports Facilities for Excellence
Fitness, Fun, and Victory: Our State-of-the-Art Sports facilities

Access Exceptional Sporting Facilities at the Narayana e-Techno School

Narayana e-Techno School Raipur Mowa aims to develop the student to their full potential, in every aspect of life. A major aspect that may later affect a student’s energy levels and overall commitment to work, is their fitness level. Therefore, we pay particular attention to improving your kids’ physical fitness levels. 
To promote physical fitness, we have introduced a range of sporting facilities that can keep your child entertained and engaged for hours. If they are inclined to a certain sporting activity, they can try and develop a skill for it by accessing the high-tech equipment present at our school.
We encourage the students to take a break or two and participate in games and events that stimulate their brains. This can also allow them to take more interest in the curriculum post-break, once they've cleared their heads and are back to taking more knowledge.
Our faculty consists of experts within the different fields of sports, instructors who work methodically and field assistants who support the kid during times of possible emotional distress. We also schedule live field visits for our students, who can meet and greet players within their preferred categories of sports. Upon collecting tips from experts, the students can apply the same while exploring the top-tier sporting facilities available with us.
Types of Sporting Activities
Narayana School is considered to be one of the best CBSE schools in Raipur Mowa, and not solely because of its diverse curriculum. It is our motto to shape young minds in a way that positively impacts their professional, personal and social life – is what makes us a class apart!
Here are some of the sports activities your kid can take part in, to polish their interest: 
  • Badminton
  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Volleyball
  • Hockey
  • Cricket