Established in the year 2016, Narayana Olympiad School, Pattalam, has gained immense popularity due to its outstanding education facilities. At present Narayana Group of Schools, Pattalam, trains over 400 young minds so that they can achieve academic excellence. To achieve our goals, we have maintained an optimum student-teacher ratio. Each of our teachers has immense academic experience to personally guide each student.
Currently, we offer classes from Nursery to Class X. There are innovative classrooms and advanced laboratories that guide students to broaden their horizons of knowledge. Also, there are security cameras installed all around the school campus to monitor students’ activity. This ensures their complete safety and security when roaming inside the campus. Furthermore, we believe in maintaining strict hygiene on campus so that students are always at the peak of their health.
We also take care of the mental health of students. For this, we periodically arrange sessions where students get to speak to trained individuals for the sake of their emotional well-being. Being one of the top schools in Pattalam, our teachers prioritise the overall development of students, helping them become exemplary professionals in their chosen fields of interest.