Why Is It a Good Idea to Cook with A Child?


We all want to prepare our kids so that they make the most of life’s opportunities. But to do so, it is essential that we teach them the necessary life skills from a young age. Now, we parents know that in order to make our children learn them, it needs to be done in a fun and interactive way.
In this regard, learning through cooking can be an excellent way.

It is an all-in-one activity that can help them learn a range of skills while also aiding their mental development. Furthermore, research says that kids who cook tend to have healthier eating habits.

Thus, cooking with your kids can significantly contribute to your child’s overall development. You will find in this blog numerous ways it can be beneficial for your child.

6 Benefits of Cooking With Kids

Here are the advantages your child can get from learning through cooking:

1. Learn the Basic Mathematics and Reading Skills

The kitchen offers numerous opportunities for children to brush up on their basic Maths and reading skills. For example, while baking a cake, you can ask your little one to count the number of eggs or the number of times you put sugar in the batter.
It also lets you teach them measurements and time by telling them to choose the larger spoon or to stir a mixture for 2 minutes.
Furthermore, you can help your kid read small sentences like ‘add salt to the mixture’, ‘pour the batter into the pan’, etc.

2. Enable Kids to Explore with Their Senses


In the kitchen, children get to see fruits, vegetables, and various other items that are used in cooking. They hear several new sounds, like the mixer grinder working, the sizzling of a potato after being put in oil, etc. Apart from this, they get the opportunity to smell and touch different items, along with tasting them when the dish is ready.
This helps them explore through all 5 senses, thus contributing to their sensory development.

3. Allows You Some Bonding Time with Your Children


You can make cooking time a tradition and set aside a few days a month to cook together. Let your child pick a recipe, and then you can explore it together. With their busy study schedule, children these days don’t get a lot of spare time.
Use this time to talk to them about their life, school, friends, and anything else they would like to discuss. This will not only create new memories, but also build a foundation to keep them connected with family.

4. Fosters Creativity in Children


Creativity is not limited to painting masterpieces and writing novels. It comes in every form, and cooking is a great way to push your child’s imaginative and creative skills. You can show them how fun it can be when you cook your favourite dish in a new way.
Or when you bake together, you can try different styles of cake frosting and decorations to make it more interesting for your child. This allows them to see the live results of their creative thinking and not be afraid of trying new things.

5. Prevents them from Being Picky Eaters


It can be fascinating for small children to see how simple ingredients can turn into a whole meal. When they are involved in the process of cooking, it improves their relationship with food. This helps them engage their senses and learn about new foods.
Even if your child doesn’t want to cook actively, you can ask them to be there and watch. This may help them be less picky about boring vegetables because they were involved in cooking them.

6. Increases Attention Span and Confidence

Cooking is an activity in which children need to concentrate on each step of the recipe to achieve the desired results. Over time, this practise helps build their attention span, which can benefit them in all fields of life.
In addition, successfully making something by following a recipe gives kids a sense of achievement. This helps build confidence and self-esteem, along with teaching them to be self-dependent.


By learning through cooking, your child is also learning about discipline and patience while having fun along the way. It gives them an opportunity to whip up new dishes, experiment, and also spend time with you. Moreover, you get to pass down your recipes, which they can enjoy making and consuming in the years to come. All of this makes cooking together with your little ones a great bonding opportunity. It enables them to create memories that will last a lifetime. Also, while your child is having fun and learning new things, do not leave them unattended near the cooking stove or hot utensils. With this, we wish that you have loads of fun with this idea. Happy cooking!

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Why Is It a Good Idea to Cook with A Child?

13 thoughts on “Why Is It a Good Idea to Cook with A Child?

  1. Absolutely correct. This way you can keep your child busy and patient. And out of all, when they grew up they can cook their own food without no dependency. Great thought, Thank you!

  2. This is good topic & creative idea to initiate to student which includes,
    They can understand the benefits of veggies, learning teamwork . We bought some toy like molds and creative templates for cooking for our daughter , she interested to do dough making (wheat flour) for chappathi . Also she can be self driven for her daily activities in future.
    It teach about health benefits , nutrient info about diet . It make good eating habitual in the future.
    Main thing to maintain hygiene environment during cooking. ( Handwash, vessel wash after cook, clean up cooking platform and dining area).

  3. My elder son is 7 years old and he is regularly spending time in kitchen specialy when I prepare any dish……

  4. Cooking can help young kids learn and practice some basic math concepts and build language skills. And reating meals with you can help build their self-confidence and lay the foundation for healthy eating habits.

  5. Yes, this is very helpful for children… While parents apply these key points to their house definitely children attached with food and they try to taste all food…may Some healthy food become their favourite one… When my son was 3 and half years old he made sandwiches, he cut cucumber, green chilli and applied some souce … I shoot that video… He felt very confident…

  6. Good initiative..
    It helps child to cooking ideas, understand the benefits of veggies and teamwork..
    Thank you Narayana School…

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