Tips to Handle a Call from Your Child’s School


Let’s face it. When your child’s school calls, it can be a very stressful experience. It is difficult for both you and your young ones, but it is one of those times when you need to make decisions rationally.

You can get called due to various reasons like your child’s misbehaving, not listening to the teacher’s instructions, not doing well in studies, etc. As per a 2019 study by the International Journal of Science & Engineering Development Research, there can be several reasons behind children misbehaving at school. They can range from lack of interest in studies, classroom environment, to getting bored during extra-curricular activities.

But, as parents, you need to remember that teachers usually call parents to ensure the child’s well-being. Moreover, it is important for us to know the issue and get it resolved as it involves our little ones’ future.

Now, every time your child’s school calls, it may not be just to report his/her misconduct. It may be the case that your kid has performed exceptionally well in their exams or has done something worthy of praise. During such times, it is equally important to encourage your kid for their achievements! So, the next time the call comes from school, keep these tips in mind.

What to Do When the School Calls?

Here are 5 things you need to keep in mind if you receive a call from your child’s school:

1. Listen to What the Teacher is Saying

The first thing to do when your child’s school calls is to keep your head calm and listen to what the teacher is saying. It is a natural instinct to try and defend your child under such situations. But remember, disagreeing with your kid’s teacher will not solve anything. Also, not understanding the problem may put your little one in a tough spot in future.

2. Do Not Take It Personally

Another big thing to remember while taking a call from your kid’s school is to not take it personally. You must keep in mind that the teachers are only doing their duty and informing you to keep you in the loop. Moreover, acknowledging the problem from your end does not show a fault in your parenting. It rather indicates that you are ready to identify the problem and do what’s best for your child’s future.

3. Ask Everything in Detail

One of the most essential things to do when your child’s school calls regarding any issue is to ask about everything in detail. For example, you can ask the details of what happened, whether it is happening every day at the same time, what disciplinary action is being taken for that, etc.

Consider noting down all the points. It is quite natural to get worked up during such calls, making it difficult for you to remember all the important aspects. Putting them on paper will ensure that you can review all the factors while discussing them with your child.

4. Try and Identify the Underlying Problem

After having the call with your child’s teacher, you must take some time and think over the matter. Go over all the facts in order to get a complete overview of the situation. Then, you can have a conversation with your child in order to find the root cause of the problem. Such issues can crop up due to several reasons like lack of sleep, conflicts at home, seeking attention, lack of a satisfactory diet, etc.

Now, while talking with your child, it is important to keep yourself calm. Remember, your kid may not be aware of what they should do and what they should not. Furthermore, you need to create an atmosphere in which your child will be willing to share his/her feelings.

Once they share, you need to maintain your composure and explain why they are wrong. You must explain to them the consequences of their actions and ask them to apologise and correct themselves. Remember, showing concern will urge them to learn and be better.

5. Follow up with the Teacher


An effective way to follow up on the improvements in your child’s behaviour is to set a meeting with his/her teacher in the next couple of weeks. By doing so, you can get to know whether there have been any positive changes. Additionally, you can understand whether you need to take any additional steps to further rectify their conduct.

nConnect by Narayana Schools – Streamlining Communication Between Parents and Teachers

At Narayana, we believe in streamlining the communication between parents and schools through our nConnect app. With this platform, teachers can chat directly with parents about anything regarding their child. Parents can stay informed about all the interesting things that happen in school on a regular basis via stories and posts.

Most importantly, teachers can take digital attendance of each student and notify the same to the parents. Additionally, Principals and School Admins can instantly communicate any emergency announcements to the parents in times of need.

Parents can even raise an issue on the nConnect app, and its smart escalation system will ensure quick resolution to the problem.
So, at Narayana, you do not just get a call from your child’s school. We keep you in the loop about anything and everything that your little learner is doing!


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Tips to Handle a Call from Your Child’s School

13 thoughts on “Tips to Handle a Call from Your Child’s School

  1. Please follow a particular day and time it will helpful for both parents and teachers

  2. Yes Narayana School very good speech and writing activities very nice my son activities writing reading totally coaching you are very good School revel your exactment but happy my son

  3. Above points are really helpful because every child is different as a parent we should know that what are things going on his/her mind it can be possible that child have some issues mind thats why he/her behaviour going wrong.
    Thanks team Narayana this really helpful for us as parents.

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