Reading Activities to Make Any Book Fun for Children: Top 10 Tricks


Reading is an essential part of personal development and academic growth. Engaging in reading activities not only sharpens one’s cognitive abilities but also nurtures creativity. However, getting children and even adults excited about reading can sometimes be a challenge. In this guide, you will learn some essential tricks to make reading fun for school children.

10 Amazing Activities to Make Reading Fun

The following list highlights 10 fun reading activities for students:

1. Pick the Right Books


To make reading exciting, start by picking a book your child loves. Ask them about their favourite types of stories, and create a list of books in those categories. This list will help them choose what to read next, making the reading experience enjoyable. If possible, provide a reading area for your child where they can enjoy reading alone.

2. Ask them to rate the book


People of all ages enjoy expressing their opinions, including children. Following the completion of a book, ask them to rate the book. They can do that simply by using star stickers or by writing their thoughts in a diary. Additionally, encouraging them to think about whether they would alter the story and what they believe should happen next can further enhance their engagement with the material.

3. Explore the story through pictures.


Encourage kids to talk about the pictures in a story. It is a fantastic way for them to enjoy reading books. When they start reading, ask them to look at the pictures and share their thoughts on what is happening. Alternatively, let them have fun creating their own version of the story based on the pictures. This activity enhances their reading skills.

4. Act it Out


Bring your child’s favourite story to life by enacting it. Make one person read the story while the other person acts it out. Try using different voices for characters and accents. The goal is to make reading time not just educational but a playful experience that your kids will enjoy.

5. Games

Playing reading games like thumbs up and thumbs down (or stand up or sit down) is a fun way to keep a child interested. You can tell if they understand a story by having them give a thumbs up for true statements and a thumbs down for false ones. To teach grammar, make it even more fun by telling them to stand up for an adjective word and sit down for a noun.

6. Hunt for the Secret Word

Make reading fun with a scavenger hunt. Give a piece of text to your child. Tell them the secret word or give hints relating to it, and when they find it, they can circle it in a special colour or circle and number it. Then they come back to you for a second word. You can keep this word search going as long as you want and reward them with a prize when they finish.

7. Find the Synonym of the Word

After the scavenger hunt game, if a child feels more confident, you can add a twist to this game. Rather than finding the exact word spoken, you can ask your child to find the synonym of the word from the list of words provided to them. This challenging game is perfect for older students, making reading enjoyable for them.

8. Partner Reading Sessions


Try finding a reading partner for your child. This way, each child gets more time to practice and improve. If someone finds it a bit hard, having a friend to help them can make them feel better about it. It is like teamwork, where one friend helps the other, and both get better at reading.

9. Break Down Long Words

Tell your child to break down long words by underlining them phonetically. This boosts their reading confidence. Next, tell them to look up the meanings of these words in the dictionary. They can write them down in their notebook or on a graphic organiser for better understanding.

10. Understanding Stories Step by Step

Another fun reading activity for students includes having them explore the story’s structure. As they read, encourage them to jot down key points in three categories: the beginning, the middle, and the end. This activity not only helps them understand how the story unfolds in a sequence but also allows them to connect different parts of the story. This activity turns reading into an interactive adventure, making it enjoyable and educational at the same time.

In conclusion, these top 10 reading activities offer a variety of ways to engage students in the world of books. By incorporating these tricks, parents can not only make reading enjoyable but also instil a lifelong love for books in their children.

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Reading Activities to Make Any Book Fun for Children: Top 10 Tricks

2 thoughts on “Reading Activities to Make Any Book Fun for Children: Top 10 Tricks

  1. This was really worth a read and sounds very worth trying. I will save this article to make sure I am utiling it at core.

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