Is Your Child Prepared for School Reopening?


Summer vacation is a joyful time for every kid and their parents. But, when it is time for schools reopening, children can have various reactions. Some just love going back to school as they will get to meet their friends. While others may not be that enthusiastic regarding this matter.

Such behaviour is quite natural among young ones. As parents, we have to understand that our children have spent a significant time away from school. They have gotten used to being in vacation mode and a sudden change in routine may not be well received by them. This may make them reluctant to go back to school. Thus, it is up to us to help them transition.

They need to be gently guided back to their regular school routine. Here’s how you can make sure that your child is prepared for school reopening!

6 Tips for Parents to Prepare Their Child for School

Here are some tips you can follow to help your child transition from vacation mode to going back to school:

1. Adjust their Sleep Schedule


Your child has spent the last 3 to 4 weeks at home. They might have been up late at night watching movies or playing video games and as a result, getting up late. Thus, before they start school, it is essential that you set their bedtimes a little earlier. Doing so will help them easily wake up in the morning and get ready to head out for school.

Moreover, during vacations, children have the habit of napping in the afternoon. Try to engage them in some sort of summer activities during this time to help them stay active. It can include going outside to play, solving puzzles, painting, etc. This will prevent them from feeling sleepy during the after-lunch hours at school.

2. Reset Their Meal Timings

During summer vacations, children usually get used to having late-night snacks, eating at odd hours, binge munching their favourite food, etc. But with schools reopening, this aspect of their vacation life needs to be brought under control.

An excellent tip, in this case, is setting their meal timings the same as what they have on school days. This will help their digestive system slowly adjust and ease the process of transition.

3. Ensure that Your Child Has the Adequate Supplies


Now, as your little learner is going back to school, you have to ensure that they have all the supplies that they need. To prevent any misses from your end, you can make a list of back to school supplies like books, pencils, sharpeners, erasers, backpacks, notebooks, pencil boxes, tiffin boxes, water bottles, etc. By doing so, you can be fully sure that they have all that they need. Don’t forget the bottle of sanitiser!

Furthermore, young children tend to gain both inches and kilograms during the summer vacation. Thus, before school starts, you can ask them to wear their school uniforms and check whether they fit properly. If not, you can take them out to shop for new uniforms, so that they have a proper appearance on the first day of school.

4. Make Them Read a Little Bit Everyday


In the fun and frolic of summer vacation, kids tend to drift far away from their books. Thus, it may be difficult for them to focus on their curriculum when school starts. According to a study involving 2,000 parents, nearly 2/3rd of kids take more than a week to adjust themselves to their school environment after returning from their summer vacation.

58% of them feel grumpy when they have to go back to school and 22% have chances of misbehaving during classes. Additionally, 45% complain of not liking school in the first few weeks.

Thus, as parents, we need to take the necessary steps so that they can cope with the situation. An effective solution to this would be to make them study a little every day. If your child is weak in a particular subject, say Maths, you can make him/her practise a few sums every day. This will help your little learner’s brain get back into action, making it easy for them to cope when school begins.

5. Ensure That They Finish Their Holiday Homework

As important as it is to enjoy and spend time with your child during his/her summer vacation, so is completing all the holiday homework. Your kid may be reluctant to do it in the first few days when the vacation starts. However, you need to be persistent. Completing a small part of the holiday homework on a regular basis can ensure that your child gets sufficient playtime along with keeping up with their studies.

6. Learn All About the First Day Activities

Every school has their own set of first day activities to welcome back its students. It can be a first-day costume competition or sports day. To make sure that your child is ready for them, you can contact their teachers beforehand in order to know all the details. This will help ensure that they have all the necessary supplies to participate in such tasks.


With schools reopening, some children may suffer from anxiety about having to return to their study lives. To deal with such situations, parents can prepare them mentally by stating all the positives of going back to school like fun activities, learning new things, etc.

Is Your Child Prepared for School Reopening?

24 thoughts on “Is Your Child Prepared for School Reopening?

  1. Hi loved this as u people are preparing parents for school activity with kids….it’s an awesome experience reading this as it’s making mind to set goals..thanku so much for this wonderful link…hope it make our kids do the same..

  2. Thank you for your good guidelines for re activate our and your children towards for readiness school schedule from their irregular activities.
    Today onwards we fallow your guidelines mentioned above. Once again we happy to say Thank you for your good response. Thank you very much to team Narayana.

  3. My ward SARYU coming to 8 th class
    She is very excited to come to school we bought all the things and books etc…. , she doing her homework perfectly no complaints from we to school
    Thank you

  4. Yes sir, All are true. So, we decided to prepare my child in a positive way and I hope that teachers also prepare their students in a positive mind set .
    Thankyou for sharing these ideas !!!

  5. The content is really nice. It help both the child and parent to understand the pros and cons of the first day of school after the vacation.

  6. Thanks to Narayana team. My child absolutely enthusiastic to attend school. Eagarly waiting to start anothera wonderful academic year. Kindly expecting your more attention on my daughtet

  7. Good suggestion
    Now this is too hot now, we request you to reopen in 2nd week of June
    Thank you

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