How to Develop Reading Habits in Young Children


Reading is not just a fundamental skill; it is a gateway to a world of imagination, knowledge, and endless possibilities. As parents, you understand the significance of instilling a love for reading in young children. Developing strong reading habits from an early age not only enhances their language and cognitive abilities but also fosters creativity, critical thinking, concentration, attention span, and empathy.

Picture your little one not just as a reader, but as an explorer, a dreamer, and a lifelong learner. Don’t you want that to turn into reality? It will! As in this blog, we will explore effective strategies and practical tips to develop reading habits in young children. By nurturing their habit of reading, we can set them on a path to becoming lifelong learners and avid readers.

A reading habit will aid in the development of your child’s proficiency in logical thinking and understanding of cause-and-effect connections. Reading habit also contributes to your child’s overall learning capabilities in various subjects beyond language and literature. Helping your children develop reading habit will directly contribute to their intellectual, emotional, and social development.

Now that we have understood why having good reading habit is important, let us dive in and understand how to develop reading habits in young children.

Help them improve their reading abilities

Attaining fluency in reading takes time. Your child will have to practise reading for quite some time before they are able to skim through a book smoothly. One of the most important things to remember here is to start at the right level of the book. You can easily find books according to age categories at a bookstore. Start with the level of your child and move up accordingly. Ask them to read aloud, and it will also be helpful for building fluency if they read a single book a few times.

Establish a dedicated reading corner


If you want your child to develop a reading habit, then one of the best things you can do is create a reading space in your house. Having a dedicated and organised reading space where an individual can go and get immersed in books will help your child immeasurably. Make sure that there is no disturbance in that space, and make it a rule not to disturb them when they are reading there. If your child prefers, then you can also keep eBook readers such as Kindles or iPads. There are books with attractive animations that help your kids get immersed in the story. With a collection of great books to read and a culture at home that promotes reading, your child will develop a regular and healthy habit of reading.

Offer diverse reading materials


Do not limit your child to one genre or type of book. Make sure that there are different types of reading resources available in your house at all times. There should be no dearth of reading material whenever your child wants to start reading something. Keep fiction, non-fiction, comic books, newspapers, and magazines. This will introduce your child to various writing styles, categories of words, and tones. They will easily get an idea of the kind of language they will have to use in different situations and settings.

Engage in shared reading experiences with your child


In the beginning, what you can do to develop a reading habit in your child is to read with them. Develop a practise of reading together. Fix a daily reading time. You can each take up a different thing or start a book together. It will not only strengthen your bond with your child but also pass on the message that this is something that is to be done regularly, just like any other daily activity.

Set a positive example through your own reading habits

It is no secret that kids learn by watching, noticing, and imitating the elders in their home. If you want your child to develop reading habits, you will have to indulge in reading yourself. Set a positive example by showcasing your own love for reading and make a habit of reading books and newspapers in front of them. It will help when it is visible to them that this practise of yours is an important part of your day.

Encourage discussions after completing a book

When your child has finished reading something, have a discussion about it with them. Do not make it sound like a test, but rather show a genuine interest in what they have understood from the book. Encourage them to ask questions, make predictions, and relate the story to their own experiences. If it’s fiction, then ask what they think about a certain character, how they liked the ending, and if there was any event that you wanted to turn out differently. If it’s nonfiction, then discuss what new information they learned from it.

The idea is to take them back to the book and reflect on it critically. This will encourage them to read with more interest and excitement, knowing that they have you to discuss things with when they are done reading.


Make sure that your child does not feel pressured to read or follow a schedule. For a child to really love reading, the desire to read should come from within; they should be excited to pick up a new book, magazine, or even a daily newspaper. Good books and other reading material should always be around them when they wish to pick up something to read.


Your child will definitely develop a good reading habit when the house has a healthy culture and family members are interested in discussing thoughts, ideas, and interpretations of the books one has read.

Developing reading habits in children is an important step in fostering their intellectual and personal growth. Remember, developing a reading habit takes time and patience. Encourage your child, provide them with a nurturing reading environment, and make reading an enjoyable and rewarding experience. We, at Narayana Educational Institutions are doing our bit. Are you?


How to Develop Reading Habits in Young Children

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