Author : Narayana Schools

Career Guidance for Science Students: How to Choose the Right Course and College

For a science student in 11th or 12th grade, it is easy to get confused while choosing the right course for higher studies. For all the parents reading this, it is advisable that you go through this, understand its content, and show it to your kids, as the blog is directed to them for their […]

7 Effective Ways to Overcome Exam Fear

Exam fear is quite a common feeling among students of all ages. We feel overwhelmed with stress and tension during exam season, which, in turn, has a negative impact on our learning process. Having exam phobia, or the fear of taking exams, may lead to poor scores/grades. This fear might be because of various reasons […]

How to Encourage Technology Literacy in Kids Without Screen Addiction?

With the world of technology evolving so rapidly, almost everything is now moving towards digitalisation. After the lethal waves of the COVID-19 pandemic, even classes for school-going children were shifted to virtual mode. This has allowed children to attain education without exposing themselves to the risks of the virus. However, at the same time, it […]

Praise Technique for Children: Ways to Improve a Child’s Behavior

Praising your child can be a surprisingly effective technique that you, as a parent, can use for your child’s positive growth. It helps you connect with your child and also encourages them to be at their best. Praise technique for children, if correctly used, can help you improve your child’s behaviour in a desired manner, […]

Narayana Educational Institutions’ Special Tribute on Father’s Day

Father’s Day is an occasion that reminds us of the profound impact fathers have on their children’s lives. Father’s Day 2023 is on June 18. The concept of Father’s Day originated in the United States during the early 1900s and drew inspiration from the establishment of Mother’s Day. Its purpose is to acknowledge and celebrate […]

Tips to Handle a Call from Your Child’s School

Let’s face it. When your child’s school calls, it can be a very stressful experience. It is difficult for both you and your young ones, but it is one of those times when you need to make decisions rationally. You can get called due to various reasons like your child’s misbehaving, not listening to the […]

Is Your Child Prepared for School Reopening?

Summer vacation is a joyful time for every kid and their parents. But, when it is time for schools reopening, children can have various reactions. Some just love going back to school as they will get to meet their friends. While others may not be that enthusiastic regarding this matter. Such behaviour is quite natural […]

How to Develop Reading Habits in Young Children

Reading is not just a fundamental skill; it is a gateway to a world of imagination, knowledge, and endless possibilities. As parents, you understand the significance of instilling a love for reading in young children. Developing strong reading habits from an early age not only enhances their language and cognitive abilities but also fosters creativity, […]

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