8 Mistakes to Avoid While Preparing for JEE Advanced 2023


Congratulations on clearing the JEE Mains exam! It’s a significant achievement and a testament to your hard work and dedication. However, clearing JEE Main is just the first step towards getting admission to an IIT. So, what stands between you and an IIT is the JEE Advanced 2023.

JEE Advanced 2023 is less than a month away, and you might already have a Revision strategy for JEE advanced 2023. If you don’t, then we would advise you to go through the best revision strategy for JEE Advanced 2023.

You have been doing great till now and we are sure you will continue to do so. Still, we’d like to draw your attention to some mistakes to avoid while preparing for JEE Advanced 2023. These are mistakes that candidates do unintentionally during their JEE Advanced preparation and they end up having a negative impact on their score.

• Studying from Multiple Reference Books


You can find the list of the best books for JEE Advanced 2023 preparation in our last blog. However, it is important to understand that you do not need to go through all the famous reference books for your JEE Advanced 2023 preparation. Just talk to your teachers, pick the best reference book for a subject, and stick to it throughout your preparation. Studying from multiple reference books will only add to your confusion; your strategy right now should be efficient and focused.

Not giving equitable importance to the subjects

We know that the urge to cover more and more of your favourite subject is exciting, but it might be detrimental. There may be a case where your favourite subject paper may be very tough and the subject of your disliking can be very easy paper. This is one of the crucial mistakes to avoid in JEE Advanced 2023. Also avoid doing the unnecessary syllabus as  JEE Advanced exam adheres strictly to the syllabus declared by the IIT’s. Hence, it is advisable that you follow and practise more and more of the concepts mentioned in the prescribed syllabus.

• Avoiding self-analysis


It is imperative that one do an analysis of their preparation at regular intervals. Self-evaluation works as a check and is very critical for JEE Advanced 2023 preparation. You must always know your strengths and weaknesses at every point. This will include possible adjustments to time spent on specific subjects and study methods. Self-analysis allows you to assess the level of your preparation and adjust your focus to weak areas for improvement.

• Concentrating more on 2 subjects
This is one of the most common mistakes to avoid in JEE Advanced 2023 preparation. JEE aspirants tend to focus more on any 2 of the 3 subjects, hoping that attempting most of the questions from these subjects accurately will increase their chances of cracking the JEE Advanced exam. The problem with this strategy is the unpredictable nature of the exam itself. The difficulty level of the subjects varies every year, and if you are not able to attempt even 1 of your 2 favourite subjects, then it will seriously affect your result.

• Procrastinating revision of your weak areas
This is one of the biggest mistakes that aspirants could avoid in their JEE Advanced 2023 preparation. If you have a doubt about any of the concepts, then instantly consult your teacher and practise more questions along the lines of that particular topic. Leaving your weak concepts for later only makes your preparation more vulnerable. You could forget to revise the concepts at the end or not have enough time to perfect them. Moreover, leaving things for the end only adds to the anxiety towards the exam.

• Not attempting enough mock tests and previous year’s questions online/Computer based mock tests
Practising questions from any source is great, but attempting mock tests and previous year’s questions will also give you an almost accurate idea of what to expect when attempting a real exam. Additionally, this will teach you time management and help you analyse your strengths and weaknesses.

Narayana’s very own nLearn is the perfect educational app for practising IIT-JEE Mock tests or previous year’s questions. Students can create their own tests from the chapters of their choice and effectively evaluate their preparation. Additionally, detailed solutions and advanced evaluation reports from nLearn will help students clear their doubts and improve their weak concepts.

• Following a monotonous study schedule
Now, this one is tricky. There are many students who would want to stick to one schedule. If you are one of them, then it’s great. You should continue doing so. One timetable or schedule should not be set in stone for all If you feel that following a single daily routine is getting a bit boring or monotonous for you, then you can always make modifications. The modifications should not alter the effectiveness of your old schedule, should not distract you from studies, and should give you enough time to get healthy sleep and rest. For an efficient session, study when you want to study with complete focus and take rests in between.

• Not attending to your physical and mental health


When you are meticulously preparing for an exam as important as JEE Advanced, it is possible that you might end up ignoring your physical and mental health. Doing this may feel like a necessity to you at the moment, but you should understand that it will eventually take a toll on you. Your JEE Advanced 2023 preparation strategy should involve short breaks, meditations, yoga, healthy sleep, and a whole lot of calmness.


You understand what works best for you better than anyone else. Our recommendation for the last month of JEE Advanced preparation is to trust the approach you’ve been following while avoiding the mistakes mentioned above, and we’re confident you’ll be able to fulfil your dream of studying at the IIT of your choice.  The Narayana Educational Institutions extend our warmest wishes to all of you. Good luck and all the best!

8 Mistakes to Avoid While Preparing for JEE Advanced 2023

2 thoughts on “8 Mistakes to Avoid While Preparing for JEE Advanced 2023

  1. Good , but i recomend to give some tips for do’s and don’t ‘s in last 10~15 days of jee adv exam

  2. This is great article it offers valuable insights and tips to avoid common mistakes during JEE Advanced preparation.

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