10 Best Ways to Keep Your Kids Healthy in Winter


Although several people consider winter their favourite season, it comes with seasonal illnesses and flu ailments. With a drop in temperature, the season starts affecting our health significantly. Kids are even more vulnerable to cold weather than adults, as children lose body heat faster than adults, and their immunity system is not as strong. However, it’s not that difficult to keep your kids healthy in the winter if you take care and follow a few effective winter health tips.

This blog focuses on ways to protect children from cold weather. Keep reading to find out more.

10 Tips to Keep Your Children Healthy This Winter

Here are ten effective tips on how to stay healthy during the winter season.

1. Make their diet healthier


During the winter, they need to build a strong immune system so that they can fight off the seasonal flu. A balanced diet, including proteins, fibre, herbs, and leafy green vegetables, will help meet their daily energy requirements and boost their immunity to ward off any infection that comes with the season. Vegetables that are good for their bodies are root vegetables, such as:

  • Carrot
  • Garlic
  • Radish
  • Beets
  • Turnips
  • Sweet potatoes

And green leafy vegetables such as:

  • Spinach (palak)
  • Fenugreek (methi)
  • Mustard (sarson)
  • Spearmint (pudina)

You can also include chicken soup and boiled eggs in your winter food menu.

2. Ensure regular physical activity


Staying healthy in the winter gets difficult for kids since they feel lethargic due to the increased cold. Furthermore, it becomes challenging to get out of bed. At such times, you need to ensure that they stay active and warm. Regular physical activity, such as yoga or indoor workouts, can provide them with the warmth and vigour that their bodies might need.

3. Keep them hydrated


In winter, the dry weather makes us lose body water along with vital electrolytes. Although it is natural to feel less thirsty, our bodies require fluid intake to keep functioning. Hence, your kids need to stay hydrated even when the weather is cold.

4. Winterize your daily clothing

Make sure to add winter clothes such as sweaters, jackets, and multiple layers of thick clothing to your wardrobe so that you can stay warm throughout the cold season. Dressing up appropriately for the weather and winterizing your daily clothing is commonly advised when it comes to winter health tips.

5. Encourage them to practice proper hand hygiene


Proper hand washing is one of the most important pre-requisites to prevent flu or infection in kids. Teach them the proper hand-washing technique, which includes scrubbing hands with soap lather for at least 20 seconds. Ask your kids to follow this whenever they come back from outside or have finished some chores.

6. Focus on their vitamin intake

In the cold season, our immune system requires several vitamins, including vitamin C and vitamin D, to fight off ailments. Eating food items that are great sources of vitamins, such as citrus fruits and Brussels sprouts, comes under effective health tips to stay fit in the winter.

7. Make sure they are vaccinated

This is one of the most important tips on how to keep your children healthy during the winter. Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent any severe flu or viral infection. It is advisable that you complete all the necessary vaccinations before the season starts.

8. Ensure that they get sound sleep


No matter the season, a good night’s sleep is essential for staying healthy all year. Besides a balanced diet, proper rest and sound sleep strengthen the immune system and eliminate the stress hormone cortisol. Generally, it is recommended to get an uninterrupted sleep of 7-8 hours on average, at least for children.

9. Take care of their skin

While staying healthy inside is important, so is keeping their skin healthy. You might notice that our skin gets dull and dry at this time of the year. Use a high-quality moisturiser and sunscreen to take care of their skin, keeping it smooth and well-hydrated.

10. Avoid going outdoors when it’s too cold or too polluted

As the cold season approaches, both you and your children must try to remain vigilant while going outside. Sure, we all love that afternoon sun during the winter, but mornings and evenings are usually very cold. Not to mention the dense smog that surrounds some of the cities. High AQI in cities such as Delhi can cause serious harm. To know more about it, check out our informative video on what AQI is and why it rises in winter. Staying indoors will regulate your body temperature and keep you warm, regardless of how cold it gets outside.


While there are plenty of winter health tips, the above-mentioned tips to keep your kids healthy in the winter are some of the best ways to ensure your children’s good health.

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10 Best Ways to Keep Your Kids Healthy in Winter

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